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{DIY} Fitting a Karndean Loose Lay Floor

October 13, 2017

‘Karndean’; the word I’ve heard a lot around the internet lately – everyone’s talking about it. I’d heard of Karndean before I even knew what the hell it was (flooring!), what it looked like, or what it felt like. So when I was…

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[DIY] Painting A Patterned Floor

September 26, 2017

Jumping over to a new room, we’re kick-starting the conservatory renovation back up! You might remember last year we started doing some work in this room before the kitchen reno really took off – well a whole year later and one kitchen reno…

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Choosing & Fitting Kitchen Handles

September 22, 2017

I thought the hard decisions were done when we picked out our kitchen, turns out of course, I was totally wrong. Kitchen handles. Too big, too small, questionable quality, too expensive, sticks out too much – it goes on. And I mean THAT…

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How to Fit/Install a DIY Kitchen

September 11, 2017

Back in January, after a year-long wait, I finally ordered our new kitchen. Yep, after months and months of hard work – a finish line was in sight! This kitchen is now the second kitchen that we’ve ever installed, so I thought I…

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The ‘Other’ House: A New Boiler & Costs!

September 7, 2017

Renovations are well under-way at Grants parents house and I’m pleased to say phase 1 and 2 are complete! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out this post. But, in short the old floor standing boiler has now gone, the…

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3D Dishwashing?! | Hotpoint Dishwasher Review

September 5, 2017

How amazing are dishwashers? I grew up at a time (hello 90s!) where dishwashers weren’t an everyday household item. Everyone had washing machines but dishwashers were still a kind of luxury item. A non-essential. Fast-forward 20 odd years and to many households now,…

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The ‘Other’ House: A New French Door!

August 31, 2017

This is quick little post sharing some updates on Grants parent house, which I talked about in my last blog post (read here), how we’re starting yet another (slow) kitchen renovation! This time, we’ve phased it into numbers and phase 1 was to…

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Not Another Kitchen Renovation?

August 29, 2017

So we’ve barely finished our own kitchen renovation (reveal and final details coming soon!) and we’re already beginning another. I won’t lie – I’m not exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of doing another kitchen. BUT, I do love the planning and…

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Planning Our Galley Kitchen

August 24, 2017

Our kitchen renovation has been one long ass journey, with many ups and downs, frustrations and really it’s put a lot of our life on hold. But having a plan from the get-go was something that really helped us to focus on the…

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Pure Pet Food Review

August 22, 2017

There are so many different brands of dog food on the market; dried food, wet food, tinned food, sachets food, mixers, don’t worry I won’t go on. But essentially, despite the many many choices, they’re all pretty much the same. Some are more…

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Hi - I'm Kezzabeth! Self-taught DIYer, Renovator and Blogger on a mission to turn our house into a home. Seven years ago I was clueless and skill-less, but since then I've learnt how to build, tile, plumb and more. This is my little place on the web where I share everything I've learnt so you can learn too. Read More

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DIY Content: We’re not builders or experts in the trade industry, so please take any information on this blog as a rough guide and just our own experiences. This blog relates to our home only and you should always consult a professional in you’re in any doubt of work. Please also be aware Building Regulations change often, so always do your own research as well.