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Our New Skip (On Wheels!)

July 25, 2016

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know we’re all about money saving. We do almost every aspect of our home renovation ourselves and we find new and inventive ways to renovate our home on the cheap. We don’t have…

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Home Renovation: Two Years On

July 22, 2016

July 2014, we moved in. The house was so retro it was unreal, there were floral carpets, shiny wallpaper, polystyrene ceiling, and an old back boiler; the list goes on. We couldn’t believe we owned this house, it was almost everything I had…

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Firing Up the Cooker

July 18, 2016

After almost four months living off microwave meals, we can finally eat real food again and oh boy am I beyond excited about it! It all started some months ago when we ripped out the kitchen leaving no where to cook or prepare…

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A New Window Treatment

July 15, 2016

Back in the winter of last year we began renovating our smallest bedroom, turning it into a home office. Although we finished all the major work and moved everything in, many of the finishing touches laid completely unfinished. We’re still yet to fit…

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5 Years of Home Ownership

July 11, 2016

Five years and 1 month ago, Grant and I purchased our very first home together. It wasn’t the romantic buyers dream you might envision of a young couple buying a home. We had possibly the worlds smallest buyers funds and we didn’t the…

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The Life of a DIYer

June 29, 2016

Renovating a home DIY style means endless amounts of dust, cleaning the house religiously, showering about twelve times a day (slight exaggeration, but seriously sometimes twice is completely necessary!) and hours upon hours just working right into the late of night until our…

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Quirky Interiors: A Colour Changing Vase?!

June 27, 2016

Our home isn’t the most colourful place – I have a strangely large obsession with the colour grey and it’s turning up everywhere. I love it so much that I think the colour is becoming a little dull looking in our house. Too…

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Bringing the Walls Down

June 22, 2016

This post is ridiculously overdue; I don’t know why I haven’t shared it with you sooner, but it’s what we had been waiting for, for SUCH a long time and yes, it has finally happened! If you remember my post back in April…

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A Little Catch Up

June 20, 2016

Whilst the blog’s been a little bit quiet lately, life has actually been really busy! The home renovations are really hectic at the moment and I’m ridiculously behind on posts! Doing pretty much all the work ourselves is really draining, we desperately want…

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Restoring a Victorian Fireplace

June 3, 2016

Last year I started searing for a Victorian Fireplace to re-instate into the smallest bedroom. There would have originally been a fireplace in this room, but sadly at some point it’s been removed. I searched both Gumtree and eBay for some time and…

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DIY Rustic Wooden Tray

May 30, 2016

With the kitchen under renovation, we’ve been forced to eat microwave meals for the last couple of months on account of not having an oven or anywhere to wash pots. It’s been a little awkward to say the least and I realised one…

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Keeping Your Home Secure Whilst You’re Away

May 27, 2016

By the time you will be reading this, I shall be travelling overseas and seeing the Cambodian sights. It’s a trip we’ve been planning for a long time – I absolutely adore Asia and can’t wait to experience another beautiful country over that…

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Hi - I'm Kezzabeth! Self-taught DIYer, Renovator and Blogger on a mission to turn our house into a home. Seven years ago I was clueless and skill-less, but since then I've learnt how to build, tile, plumb and more. This is my little place on the web where I share everything I've learnt so you can learn too. Read More

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DIY Content: We’re not builders or experts in the trade industry, so please take any information on this blog as a rough guide and just our own experiences. This blog relates to our home only and you should always consult a professional in you’re in any doubt of work. Please also be aware Building Regulations change often, so always do your own research as well.