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3 Ways to Light Up the Garden!

August 19, 2015

After having recently built our new pallet seating in the garden, I was on a mission to find some glorious outdoor lighting so that we can use our new little corner (and the rest of the garden!) even when the sun goes down….

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How to Identify Plants… With Apps!

August 17, 2015

A couple of few weeks ago this plant (photoed above) popped out of no-where. Literally no-where. It’s growing in a small gap in the brick wall. My first assumption was that it was a pesky bugger of a weed – but with a…

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Design Inspiration for Rooms with Roof Windows

August 15, 2015

We still have lots of changes to make throughout the house, but one of the biggest changes we’re currently saving for (amongst a few others) is installing roof windows. Roof windows are a great way to turn a dark space into a natural…

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DIY How to Build Pallet Seating

August 12, 2015

So I’ve finally gotten ’round to building the DIY pallet seating that I’ve been planning since April! You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve had these pallets sat in the house, just waiting to be used! I purchased them from someone local off eBay for…

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5 Stylish Electric Showers

August 10, 2015

As the bathroom is getting more and more finishes (cue small celebration!) we’re beginning to pick out the finishing touches and this includes choosing the actual shower! We’re going for an electric shower because we’re in the need of a new boiler (ours…

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Selling Your Home? First Impressions are Everything!

August 6, 2015

Last June we sold our first home after making heaps of improvements to it. Improvements that added value to its price-tag – Sure, the house didn’t get bigger or move to a better neighbourhood – but this didn’t matter. It’s all about perception…

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Jazzing Up the Window!

August 1, 2015

Things are beginning to shape up in the bathroom! This big old ugly window has been screaming out for a face-lift since we began renovating in the bathroom.. And it’s finally happened! The previous architraves on the window were plastic-y, huge and very…

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Which Dust Mask for Which Job?

July 29, 2015

One of the first jobs I ever required a dust mask for was removing some Lead Paint, and boy was I confused about dust masks! They’re not clearly labelled for beginners or DIYers and unless you do heaps of research beforehand, you could…

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Patching and Painting

July 27, 2015

I am super excited to announce that the bathroom is finally painted! It doesn’t sound like much, but after living in building-site conditions for around nine months, there’s something about a painted wall that brings an end to all the dust, dirt and…

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Small DIY Distasters

July 24, 2015

OK, so I wouldn’t really call this a ‘disaster’ as such – probably just a small cock-up; but in our few years of being DIYers we were yet to have any sort of disaster. The only issues we’d ever had was mis-measuring lengths…

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How to Fill Large Holes in Floorboards

July 22, 2015

When we moved the plumbing around in the bathroom, we ended up leaving sizeable holes in the floorboards from the previous pipework. These holes weren’t going to be hidden by bathroom furniture, so they stuck out like an ugly missing piece. I’d had…

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Hi - I'm Kezzabeth! Self-taught DIYer, Renovator and Blogger on a mission to turn our house into a home. Seven years ago I was clueless and skill-less, but since then I've learnt how to build, tile, plumb and more. This is my little place on the web where I share everything I've learnt so you can learn too. Read More

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DIY Content: We’re not builders or experts in the trade industry, so please take any information on this blog as a rough guide and just our own experiences. This blog relates to our home only and you should always consult a professional in you’re in any doubt of work. Please also be aware Building Regulations change often, so always do your own research as well.