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Our First Home: The Before

March 16, 2015

Warning: This post is quite photo-heavy. I’ve been recently looking through and organising some old photos and videos and came across the very few I have of our old house pre-renovation. Despite having links to room tours in the ‘first home‘ section of…

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Rendering the Garden Wall

March 14, 2015

I decided some time ago that I wanted to render the raised border at the end of the garden. It was looking a little worse for wear, and whilst I do like things that look aged… this was just looking a mess. I…

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De-thatching the Lawn to Promote Grass Growth

March 6, 2015

Sooo it’s been a couple of months since I posted our winter garden update. Since that post, not much  has changed and the lawn is still looking rather bedraggled, although it is STILL ALIVE! As spring is finally upon us (YES!!) I decided it…

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Adding Privacy to the Garden

February 28, 2015

As you may or may not have noticed, our garden is very much open to the street; we have a partial brick wall with cut-out diamond fencing above it, enabling passers by on the street to look into our garden. I always had…

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Holiday Plans Mk.3

February 25, 2015

It’s offfficialll! We’ve booked a holiday! Why am I sharing this pointless information? Because I’m beyond excited and need to release my excitement somewhere 😉 This holiday has been a long time in the making, we were originally meant to be going last…

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Puppy Progress – 1 Year Old!

February 23, 2015

1 YEAR OLD! How has it been a year already?! A whole year? HOW!?  Today little (little no more!) Doug turned a whole year old! Bonkers! I, of course bought a cake for the occasion – it wouldn’t be a birthday without a…

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How to Make Microwave Pancakes!

February 21, 2015

Since we don’t have any hobs, this Shrove Tuesday we were unable to make pancakes the traditional way.. But that certainly didn’t stop us! I suggested we try to make them in the microwave, since microwaves seem to be able to cook almost…

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There are Two Types of Scrim Tape?!

February 9, 2015

The ceiling is ALMOST done! It feels like it’s taken forever! Saying “we replaced the bathroom ceiling” doesn’t sound like a big job, but in reality, it’s been an incredibly time-consuming and mucky job. Ultimately, the ceiling is only one small part of…

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Winter Garden Update

January 26, 2015

It’s been three months since my last garden post, which mainly consisted of images showing our lovely new lawn; a vibrant green fresh, healthy and fabulous lawn. Well, winter kicked in and things have changed slightly. That same bright green lawn, now looks like…

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How to Fill That Gap Between the Ceiling and Wall

January 23, 2015

After we removed the lath and plaster ceiling in the bathroom and replaced it with modern plasterboard approach, we were left with a sizeable gap between the ceiling and wall. This was because the new ceiling was much thinner than the old lath…

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Fitting Plasterboard in the Bathroom

January 21, 2015

It’s finally happened – we put up a ceiling! We’ve had three large moisture resistant plasterboard sheets sat in our hallway for about a month and they are finally in place! We’ve never DIY plasterboarded before, so this was a first for us. We chose moisture-resistant plasterboard…

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DIY Advent Calendar (For Dogs?!)

December 4, 2014

So, the festivities are beginning! The Christmas Markets are set-up, the town lights are switched on, the home decorations have been fished out from their dusty corner and Advent Calendars are now finally being opened! – Admittedly this post may be a little…

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Hi - I'm Kezzabeth! Self-taught DIYer, Renovator and Blogger on a mission to turn our house into a home. Seven years ago I was clueless and skill-less, but since then I've learnt how to build, tile, plumb and more. This is my little place on the web where I share everything I've learnt so you can learn too. Read More

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DIY Content: We’re not builders or experts in the trade industry, so please take any information on this blog as a rough guide and just our own experiences. This blog relates to our home only and you should always consult a professional in you’re in any doubt of work. Please also be aware Building Regulations change often, so always do your own research as well.