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2017 Renovation Total Spend

December 29, 2017

I seriously uuhhmmed and ahhhed about whether or not I wanted to do another costing post this year. Partly because I didn’t keep a track of finances in the same way, I did before (aka – it’s all been a bit messy!) and…

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Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas!

December 22, 2017

Christmas is such a strange but awesome time of year. Strange because it’s the only month where spending heaps and heaps of cash is considered totally normal and acceptable. And awesome because there’s such a cheery atmosphere everywhere – with carollers on the…

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Going DARK In The Dining Room

December 18, 2017

I’ve showed you our new kitchen, but I haven’t yet shown you our new dining room and it’s certainly changed quite a bit since I last showed it off properly. It’s had parts of it re-plastered, a whole new paint job, the floor’s…

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The Chalk Paint That’s Raising Money For Oxfam

December 15, 2017

There are so many different chalk paints on the market nowadays, but the one everyone knows about is Annie Sloan. She was the creator of the original Chalk Paint – the paint that requires no sanding, no prep-work and can literally transform furniture within minutes. It’s the…

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Win! A Stove Fan Worth £45

December 12, 2017

It would seem winter is well and truly upon us now! With snow storms throughout the UK over the last week (although it seems our town missed out on that) and temperatures going into the minuses, needless to say our log burner has…

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Kitchen Reveal – So Far!

December 8, 2017

I’ve been catching up with blog posts over the last few months and shown you a fair bit of our new kitchen, but I thought I’d do a quick ‘reveal’ post, sharing appliances, where everything is from and how the room looks as…

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5 Ways To Make Your Home Smarter

November 3, 2017

‘Smart Homes’ are constantly being talked about nowadays; with the advance of technology, people are beginning to find their homes and the tech within it somewhat outdated. From the start of Smart TVs to the Smartphones, the Smart Technology group has grown rapidly…

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First Time DIYers: The Essential Tools

October 20, 2017

So I’ve thought for a while about making some posts on our tools; what we have, what we wish we had, what I recommend and what I don’t. Over the last six years, we’ve gone from owning absolutely nothing to now having a…

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Hi - I'm Kezzabeth! Self-taught DIYer, Renovator and Blogger on a mission to turn our house into a home. Seven years ago I was clueless and skill-less, but since then I've learnt how to build, tile, plumb and more. This is my little place on the web where I share everything I've learnt so you can learn too. Read More

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DIY Content: We’re not builders or experts in the trade industry, so please take any information on this blog as a rough guide and just our own experiences. This blog relates to our home only and you should always consult a professional in you’re in any doubt of work. Please also be aware Building Regulations change often, so always do your own research as well.