A 20-sided Icosahedron Geometric ceiling light. I LOVE it. Mind you, it’s actually too small for this room, so we’ll be re-creating it again, only bigger. We made the DIY in collaboration with ManoMano to feature on their own blog ‘The Handy Mano’, so if you want the full how-to, you’ll have to hop over and view it here:
DIY Geometric Ceiling Light (Icosahedron)
There are so many parts of our home that are finished, but unfinished. Like the random piece of skirting board in the kitchen that hasn’t been attached, the door that’s lived without a handle for two years, the bits of filler on the walls I never sanded and repainted, oh and the two semi-attached bulbs hanging precariously from the dining room ceiling. You know it goes – nothing is ever 100% complete.
Over the next few weeks though, we’re on a mission to fix all these little niggly things and one of those jobs involved buying/creating two light fittings for the dining room ceiling. With a budget of £0, we decided to get creative rather than buy something – and this is what we came up with…
We used reclaimed wood (don’t we always?!) so short of a bit of wood glue and buying the actual pendant fitting itself, the whole project cost barely £10. Can you get much cheaper than that?! The DIY is really easy as well (well, once we’d figured out the angles at least!) and the only tool you really need is a table saw.
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